A | |
add [Group.GROUP] |
Add a contest to a group.
addTd [Jsutil] |
Add a td to a table, with text content and a class name
add_contest [Group.GROUP_LIST] |
Add a contest to a collection
advanced [Columns] |
as_header [Columns] |
Adds a header class to an existing column, thereby treating it as
a header.
C | |
child_elements [Jsutil] |
Get the children of an element
column_content_string [Columns] |
Get The content of a column as a string
compare_length_then_first [Group.GROUP] |
This is for sorting groups.
compare_seeds [Entry] |
Compare the seeds of two t's so that the lower seed comes
contains [Util] |
searches for a string within another string
contains [Group.GROUP] | contains f g yields true if g contains a contest matching f
country [Grouping_specs] |
The "By Country" group
D | |
defeated [Columns] |
Renders either a "defeated" or "upset" column, based on seed
delete_children [Jsutil] |
Delete the children of a Dom node
doc [Jsutil] |
The Document
E | |
entry [Columns] |
Render an entry as a complex column, including country and
extract_first_first [Group.GROUP] |
This is for extracting Group headers.
F | |
fetch [Entry] |
Expects a Somebody.
filter_then_map [Util] |
First filter a list, then map over it
first [Contest] |
The first contestant
first [Group.GROUP] |
Get the first contest of a group, if there is one.
G | |
getAttribute_exn [Jsutil] |
Get an element's attribute, or raise Not_found
getElementById_exn [Jsutil] |
Get an element with an id, or raise failure
get_all_containers [Tournabox_lib] |
Get a list of all the containers on the page.
get_all_tourney_shells [Tournabox_lib] |
Get all tourney shell options on a page, with error messages.
get_classname [Jsutil] |
Get an element's class name
get_option [Util] |
unwraps an option
get_tourney_shell [Tournabox_lib] |
Given a container, return a tourney shell or None and an error
H | |
hd_exn [Util] |
Head of a list, or assertion failure
I | |
id [Util] |
The identity function
in_round [Columns] |
"In round N"
is_bye [Entry] |
True of Bye slots
is_t [Entry] |
True of Somebody slots
is_upset [Columns] | |
iteri [Group.GROUP_LIST] |
Iterate over the groups.
iteri [Group.GROUP] | iteri f g runs f on each contest in g
J | |
just_country [Columns] |
Get a column containing just a country name
L | |
length [Group.GROUP_LIST] |
Get the length.
length [Group.GROUP] |
Get the length of a group
log [Util] | log a b returns log base a of b
M | |
make [Group.GROUP_LIST] |
make [Group.GROUP] |
Create a new group
make [Tourney] |
Make a tournament from some entries.
make_one [Group.GROUP] |
Create a group containing one contest
map [Contest] |
Conversion to a different type of contestant.
map_option [Util] |
map a function over an option
match_first [Group.GROUP] |
This is for determining whether a contest belongs in a group at
N | |
num_rounds [Tourney] |
Get the number of rounds in a tournament.
O | |
offset_of [Jsutil] |
Get the y offset of an element.
P | |
performance [Grouping_specs] |
The "By Performance" group
pick [Util] | pick list partial to_string returns the element of list that
matches partial.
plain [Columns] |
Just a plain string
play [Tournabox_lib] |
Play and display a tourney_shell.
pow [Util] | pow a b returns a to the bth power
power_of_two [Util] |
return true if the argument is a power of two
R | |
replace [Util] | replace arr i f replaces arr.(i) with f(arr.(i))
round [Grouping_specs] |
The "By Round" group
S | |
seed [Grouping_specs] |
The "By Seed" group
select_grouped [Tourney] |
Group the results.
set_classname [Jsutil] |
Set an element's class name; pass None for none.
slot_of_string [Entry] |
Parse a string to a slot
sort [Group.GROUP_LIST] |
Sort it.
sort [Group.GROUP] |
Sort a group with a sorting function
strip_spaces [Util] |
Strip spaces from the front and back
T | |
table [Jsutil] |
Create a table with a given class name
textNode [Jsutil] |
Create a text node with the given text
text_of [Jsutil] |
Used for getting the raw text of DOM nodes containing entries or
to_be_decided [Columns] |
"to be decided"
to_string [Entry] | |
W | |
was_defeated_by [Columns] |
Renders either a "defeated" or "upset" column, based on seed
will_face [Columns] |
"will face"
with_a_bye [Columns] |
"With a bye"
won [Tourney] |
Record a winner.