Module Entry

module Entry: sig .. end
Each Entry in a tournament takes up a slot.

type t = {
   player : string;
   country : string option;
   seed : int option;
An entry who may win or lose against another Entry.t, but always beats a bye.
val to_string : t -> string
type slot = 
| Bye
| Somebody of t
A slot in the tournament. May be a Somebody, which can win or lose, or a Bye, which always loses.
val slot_of_string : ?expect_country:bool -> string -> slot
Parse a string to a slot
val fetch : slot -> t
Expects a Somebody. Assertion failure on Bye
val is_bye : slot -> bool
True of Bye slots
val is_t : slot -> bool
True of Somebody slots
val compare_seeds : t -> t -> if_none:(unit -> int) -> int
Compare the seeds of two t's so that the lower seed comes first. If neither has a seed, then call if_none