module Contest:sig
type 'contestant
t = {
round : |
(* |
The round during which the contest took place (zero-indexed).
| *) |
position : |
(* |
At what position in the round (zero-indexed). There are as many
positions as contests in a round, and twice as many contestants
as positions in a round.
| *) |
entry_pair : |
(* |
The contending contestants
| *) |
winner : |
(* |
The winner of the contest, or None if not completed.
| *) |
val first : 'contestant t -> 'contestant
val map : ('contestant -> 'b) -> 'contestant t -> 'b t
This is used to convert between int t and Entry.slot t.
The int representation is used for calculating paths through the tournament, and thus for figuring out who has lost to a given winner. For example, in the first round, contestants 2 and 3 vie for position 1; in the second round, the winner will vie for position 0. Thus, given an int, we can predict its path through the tournament using a simple calculation, e.g. 4 -> 2 -> 1 -> 0. See function path_intersect.
The Entry.slot representation is used for printing and sorting of